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What is the difference between a 100M NIC and a Gigabit NIC?
Release Date: 2022-4-14 11:43:22
We all know that the network card is a bridge that connects the network and the computer, and the computer data is translated through the network card and transmitted to other destinations through the network. Many people don't understand the transmission rate of gigabit network card.

1. Gigabit network card transmission rate
The transmission rate of a gigabit network card we usually say refers to the theoretical transmission speed, but in fact, the transmission speed of the network card refers to the transmission speed of the physical layer, not the transmission speed of the link layer, IP layer, and UDP layer. Starting from the UDP layer, each layer must add headers, checksums, control characters, etc. Not all 1000M network cards can achieve the theoretical transmission speed at the physical transmission speed. In addition, there are also Category 5 cables or Category 5e twisted pair cables, optical fibers, etc. that affect the speed of network cards above Gigabit. When choosing a network card, you must choose a more professional network card.

Second, the difference between a 100M NIC and a Gigabit NIC
The difference between 100M NIC and 100M NIC: Gigabit NIC and 100M NIC are mainly based on different application fields and bandwidths. The maximum gigabit bandwidth supported by the gigabit NIC is 1000Mbps (gigabit), and the 100M NIC supports up to 100 Mbps. Mega bandwidth 100Mbps (hundred megabytes). From the cost performance and applicability of the two, the general family is suitable for choosing a 100M network card.

3. How to adjust the speed of the network card?
Now the network card has 10M/100M/1000M adaptive network card, depending on the switch that supports different rates, the display speed will also be different, for example: connected to a 1000M switch, the display speed is 1000M, so there is no need to adjust.

4. How to check the maximum speed supported by the network card
The computer operation can be viewed according to the following steps, right-click the network connection icon in the computer - open the network and sharing center - click on the local area connection - click on the properties - click on the configuration - click on the advanced. Select Speed and Duplex Mode - click the value in the small box on the right, and the drop-down will display the maximum speed that the network card can support.

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